

(Dis-) Honorary Member Roster

MRC_Diablo (Hon.)
Aka: RAF_Diablo

The name speaks for itself...DEVIL!! Those horns and tail are not movie props!

Remember the last time your car broke down?..Blame Diablo..
That time your checking account was in the red...Diablo..
Drought, famine, floods.....Diablo..
Would this man steal candy from a baby...Yep!
Steal the baby?...YES!
Who invented ex_wives?...
Crappy job?....
Grade "B" Scifi movies?....
Ugly women.............. Yep, you guessed it! Diablo!
Thorn bushes?....
House mortgages?....
Used car salesmen?....
Traffic jams & Tailgaters?....
Politicians?........................  All DIABLO!!

Diablo has been on the wanted list for quite some time. We are pleased to announce his capture, and after a few hexes from the local Witch Doctor, we should be able to place him in his rightful Seat of Honor at "Tek's Outhouse" and enshrine him forever in the "Outhouse Hall of Fame".

MRC_TO (Hon.)

This lucky victim has been trying to escape detection by the Non-Squad for years. His many ruses are the work of sheer genius at times, but I think we have finally caught up to him.

Some of you may be familiar with a couple of his most recent attempts to avoid our scrutiny. Going by the names of TWISTEDOAK and UHU_TO, this man evidently knew that we were hot on his trail and about to close at any minute.

This was a long chase involving many near the year he spent as a bag lady in NYC. A dastardly disguise that threw us off his trail for quite some time. But as we closed in he cleverly set off the stink bomb he'd hidden in his shopping cart and made good his escape.

We then tracked him to a llama ranch in southern Texas where he was posing as a "llamaboy". But again, as we closed in he picked out the most fleet of foot animal from the herd, mounted it, and sent the rest of the llama herd stampeding in our direction while he made his getaway!

He next turned up in Hollywood, starring in quite a few films of the type you definetly wouldn't want your mother to see. But again, as we closed in at the studio he made his escape while our agents were...umm..distracted by some of the "extras" on the set.

Since we are unable to capture him, we will instead declare him an Honorary MRC...and therefore entitled to not much of anything except the admiration of millions, and the target of many..he he..if we can't get him maybe you will. Then we will stuff his carcass and place him in his rightful Seat of Honor at "Tek's Outhouse" and enshrine him forever in the "Outhouse Hall of Fame".

For His Tireless & Dedicated Participation and Helpfulness in
CFS MultiPlay, Most notably within the Combat Flight Center Forums,
where He Moderates the "Hardware Corner"....
MercAir is pleased to Grant Honorary Membership to:

MRC_mrog (Hon.)

   "mrog"..pronounced either M-rog or *&%$%*

    mrog comes to us from a secret cave buried in the hinterlands of some unknown spot.
    His life is shrouded in secrecy but we have discovered a few things about him.
    He has a large wart on his nose but trims the hair on it regularly.
    Although his reputation as a ladies man is well known, we can find no actual witnesses to   verify this. But one must assume this reputation has it's origins in some sort of fact, however obscure it may be.
    His flying skills are also legendary...which may explain the fact that he no longer flies, but spends his time in a caped costume rushing about trying to stop buses with his bare hands and leaping out of windows.
    If and when, Scotland Yard decides to order him released from the "Home for the Criminally Inept", he can take up his rightful Seat of Honor at "Tek's Outhouse" and will be enshrined forever in our "Outhouse Hall Of Fame"

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