Occasionally, a novice pilot will find himself
in combat with a member of the
internationally famous MRC Not-A-Squad. Naturally, the novice will feel
anxious as to how
he should comport himself in the presence of one of these highly-skilled
The following tips are presented as a public service...
MRC prides itself on honesty and fair play above all other things, ( well,
maybe not gold
bullion and whiskey; see "Exchange Rates" for details.) and it's pilots
are among the best-trained
individuals anywhere. MRC members frequently spend hours in the back room
of Canelo's,
viewing the Swedish training films that WW flies in. As a result we are
highly familiar
with "positions", "angles of attack", and "variations". Bearing this in
mind, here are a few
The novice notices an MRC member gaining the upper hand on his hapless
( the normal course of events! ) Gradually closing the circle, he is moments
from victory.
The novice may be tempted to take advantage of the MRC pilot's total concentration,
fire at him. Dont Do It! This would be the height of poor sportsmanship.
Instead, the
novice should circle at a respectful distance, allow the MRC ace his well-deserved
then open a chat window and say, "nice kill, sir. May I have the next engagement?"
Conversely, the novice may ( Rarely! ) see an MRC pilot who is being overcome
another flyer. Such an unlikely situation could only be the result of the
MRC pilot
struggling with a damaged aircraft, or some nefarious activity on the part
of his enemy,
such as using an altered aircraft or some other dastardly method to gain
the upper hand.
The novice should immediatly open fire on this neer-do-well. If the novice
then notices
the MRC pilot circling around to his rear, have no fear! The MRC ace is
manuevering to deliver the famous "MRC Salute", traditionally given from
the " 6 "
At times, due to courageous engagement with overwhelming odds, the MRC
pilot will
actually sustain damage to his aircraft. The novice may notice an MRC member
around the battlefield, struggling to keep his damaged bird in the sky.
Feel free to ignore
this pilot, as he is far too busy flying to possibly fire on anyone. Of
course, while
wrestling with the controls, it is possible that the gun trigger might
be inadvertently be
Finally, note that MRC has instituted a "tips" service, and stand ready
to answer any
questions regarding tactics and ACM. (whatever that means...)
Please write any such questions on a 5-pound note, or scrape them onto
the surface of a
bar of gold bullion, and place same in the 3rd beer stien from the left
on Canelo's back
shelf. We'll get back to you....