Commentary by: MRC_Chopper
You'd Best Not Poke Me With That Thing, NumbNutz!

Well, Lessee... What's Hot for the Month of November?
Definately Not the N.Y. Weather!

       * The Mets Lost The Series! (Gee..Whadda' Shock!)
       Notice... I didn' say the Yanks Won!

       * Our Fearless(?) Leader Has been "Published"
       in "Salmon, Trout & Steelhead" Magazine.
       BFD! So wha's next... "Cat Fancy?!" I hate Fish!
       I mean..Here's the Greatest Idea Anyone Ever had!
       Let's go out in 30 degree, rainy weather... Stand in 10 degree
       water, & toss "Smelly" Fish Eggs at a Horney, Migratin'
       piece o' Fertilizer! Yeah.... Rite!
       Remember the las' time "Worm" went Fly-Fisnin' for Salmon...
       Idiot Fell in the River, Came Home with His
       "Jewels" Froze to His Leg, wantin' me to lay 'cross his Lap!
       They's a Limit to Loyalty!

       * Christmas is jes' 'roun' the corner.
       This means I gets to listen to "Worm" whine about Money
       fer a Month an' a Half!
       Christmas Mornin's another Rush!
       Same thing Every Year... All the Lil' Worms get up Early.
       Tear into what took three evenings to wrap, in about 45 seconds!
       I go thru the motions of bein' happy & excited to get
       ANOTHER, Stoopid, rawhide Chew Bone!
        If the arses were to gnaw on one o' them friggin' things..
       Jes' Once... They'd know why I "Hurl" on their Carpet!

       * On the Brite Side o' Life... The neighbor across the street
       Adopted a "purty" new Hound.
       Shore do hope it's equipment's the opposite o' mine.
       Not that it'd Stop Me... hey, Ya' gotta' realize....
       Me & Worm been stuck alone sooooo long...
       His LEG is lookin' Good!

Well, Mates, that's all from MRC_Chopper for now.
Keep 'em Flyin' and Liberate some Fresh Beef
& some booze, for me..he..he...

       Chopper Out!Whadda' You Lookin' At?!